The CrossFit 35 Degrees South Story


Our coaches

Will Ranger coach at CrossFit 35 Degrees South

Will Ranger

Head Coach and Trainer

Credentials: CrossFit (L2), CrossFit Gymnastics, Personal Trainer

Why I love CF:
You get to explore all components of fitness. The variety is amazing but you never stop striving for improvement within the foundations by doing the common uncommonly well.

Favourite movement:
I love weightlifting and I love gymnastics.
Resistance training through a full range of motion is paramount for longevity.
Plus it just feels so empowering!

When I’m not doing CF I love spending time with my family and friends, getting out on my bike and in general being outdoors.

Matt Summerfield coach at CrossFit 35 Degrees South

Matt Summerfield

Coach and Trainer

Credentials: Personal Trainer, Currently studying nutrition.

Why I love CrossFit: I love CrossFit as it challenges me, makes every day tasks easier and helps keep me sane.

Favourite movement: would have to be the weightlifting. The movements are very technical and is a true test of mobility, strength and power.

When I’m not doing CrossFit I enjoy riding my bike, fishing and spending time with my kids.

Amber Cekerevac coach at CrossFit 35 Degrees South

Amber Cekerevac

Founder, Coach and Nutritionist

Credentials: CrossFit (L2), CrossFit Kids, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, Bachelor Complementary Medicine, currently studying Naturopathy

Why I love CrossFit:
I love the variety and constant challenge to get better, stronger and fitter. There are no limits.

Favourite movement:
Deadlifts. And cleans. And burpees.

When I’m not doing CrossFit you’ll find me with family, friends or at the beach.

Kylene Turner coach at CrossFit 35 Degrees South

Kylene Turner

Coach and Trainer

CrossFit (L2), Personal Trainer

Why I love CrossFit:
I like the sense of achievement it gives, community, friends and being capable in daily life activities “Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general’ … right!!?

Favourite movement:
Clean and Jerk

When I’m not doing CrossFit you’ll find me exploring Denmark and Albany region for more remote bush and Oceania walks with my dog, spending time with friends and family, surfing.

Amber Cekerevac coach at CrossFit 35 Degrees South

Diarmaid Gallagher


Credentials: CF (L1)

Why I love CrossFit: The community!! There is nothing quite like it. It’s mainly an individual sport so you are there for yourself but the encouragement given by the community around you is second to none.

Favourite movement: Clean & Jerk!! They were a weakness of mine when I started so I worked on them a lot. I love the technicality of the lift.

Outside of CrossFit I enjoy getting out on my mountain bike.

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